A few weeks ago this topic was widely discussed. I would like to say I appreciate everyones input and opinion on it as this just happened to me this past weekend.
In a pony level (12 - 13 yo) game a batter didn't appreciate where my outside zone was and after a called strike three he drew a line in the dirt. At that point I ejected him.
The interesting things I observed from this was 1) none of the coaches said a word or argued, 2) not a peep from parents, 3) all the other players on BOTH teams now know it's a no-no, 4) his teammates said he had it coming (not sure why) and 5) he apologized after the game not that I was expecting it or anything.
The other interesting thing is until reading the post I wasnt aware this is such a taboo thing to do. Also, I didn't think I'd toss a kid automatically. But in seeing the results it had and the knowing that some other umpire won't have to deal with it, I certainly won't hesitate to toss again if it occurs.
Thanks everyone!