I don't post often but I have learned a great deal from monitoring all of your posts. I just wanted to add a general comment to what appears to be a consensus (couldn't resist using that word) among most of you as to what is required of a referee to successfully manage interaction with coaches and players. Add a smile (when appropriate) and you will be seen far more often as a referee (and person)who is approachable and willing to listen! If you are working the same teams on a regular basis, learn names and use them for both coaches and players. It helps establish your presence as a person and not just a rule-enforcing automaton. I don't know if every referee does this in their pregame, but I copied the example set for me by a fellow in my organization who has been at this for more than thirty years; I always introduce myself by name to the speaking captains (as Mr. XXXXX when working with youngsters and by my first and last when working with adults), shake hands, and express my wish for both teams to enjoy a great game. Not a big deal but really sets the tone for anything that might need to be discussed with a player or coach as the game progresses.
Thanks for all of your insight from which I've derived so much benefit!