Originally posted by Dakota
Speaking ASA J.O. girls fastpitch...
The restriction of the ODB to the circle on the same side as her bench, assuming it is for the reason of avoiding opponents bench harrassment, is not necessary most of the time, and when the harassment occurs, there are ample tools in the USC area for the umpire to deal with it.
A local rule allowing the ODB to use either circle is very common, and IMO, ASA should officially allow it for JO play.
No, I don't think so. A team selects or is assigned a dugout. With that dugout comes the "on deck" circle. That is your side of the field. If the field meets specs, there is plenty of room. If not, only if it is a safety issue is an ODB permitted to move elsewhere.
But there are more issues than that. To begin, coaches certainly are not going to scream across the field to give their hitters last second instructions. But one of the biggest issues as to why there is an ODC is so that there is a designated area to which the ODB is restricted. This way, an ODB cannot get nearer the plate and try to get familiar with the timing of the pitch. Apparently, this is a big thing and has lead to serious injuries in stick-and-ball games at many levels.
Of course, you would also have the chatter and then the defensive coach complaining that the catcher cannot see the coach's pitch signal if they get in the way, etc, etc, etc.
It is real simple and a matter of organization. A place for everyone and everyone in their place.