It takes some time!
We have such a program in our association and it takes a few years to set it up right.
This has been my responsibility for the last five years and it works, but it takes everyone working on the same page.
We started out requiring class time (this takes the most work). All 3 year and under officials were required to attend five hours of class time. (if they don't attend they don't work)
Also, we have an on the field class where we talk and go through all mechanics. (required attendance to work)
Finally the first two years, the younger or newer officials will when at all possible work with veteran partners. This gives more time for "on the field" training.
The key is to have it set and in writing what is standard mechanics and how you are going to deal with side issues (coaches, equipment, enter/leave the field etc.,)
Evaluations are a whole new thing, but basically we use our veteran official for evaluating, and when I have time, I do it myself.