Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by rainmaker
So, Tony, in NCAA, is oob a violation? is it a violation generally, but not for the purposes of the shot clock?
Like Tony mentioned previously, team control changed.
A did have team control before the interception. [A shot clock : 24.]
B had the ball, not Team A (change of control), when the violation occurred.[B shot clock: 29.2]
A throws the ball in on B violation; change of control [A shot clock: 30]
I know you know.
Actually, mick, I don't know. I've always ignored any discussion of NCAA rules, because I just didn't need the extra data taking up synapses in my brain. But the theory is that someday, I may get a few college games (maybe even this fall????) and I'll need to know this stuff. So I'm starting to pay attention and ask questions. Especially shot-clock stuff can't hurt, since it isn't going to get confused with anything else.