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Old Fri May 14, 2004, 08:26am
jicecone jicecone is offline
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This is like asking three Baptist a religios question. You are going to get 12 answers.

You want to set up in a position that gets you the BEST view possible of the pitch. I have set up in the slot, directly behind the catcher and even on the outside corner when the batter is crowding the plate and the catcher is calling for an inside pitch.

IMO, whatever it takes to get right calls and a consistant zone, is the best position for you.

It took me several years to establish a comfortable position. This happened after I went to the (Hulk Hogan) position, (wrestlers) and just above the catchers head. Elbows on my thighs for stability slightly in the slot. Utilizing the catcher for protection as much as possible.

It is just not always a straight forward, this is what Im going to do when officiating baseball. The catcher movement, height and ability will determine the fine adjustments you have to make. Batter an/or bat movement is sometimes a distraction also.

One important thing though, once you get into a stance or position good for you, keep you head up and your body square to the pitcher. Learn to rely on your equipment and make your equipment as exposable as possible to protect you, when necessary.
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