Originally posted by TPS2859
Once you make it threw the pass its not too bad of driving.
Plus its so much more fun to drive 75! Even faster as you go down the mountain. Wo now thats living on the edge...
Tim, what was your favorit to sky?
[Edited by TPS2859 on May 13th, 2004 at 03:14 PM]
Ski Cooper in Leadville. BTW CS did service the school with Varsity official. At 10,000 feet is the highest HS in the Country. Ski cooper has short lift lines, old fashion lifts. 1000 acres, 1000ft virtical, and I ususally was able to do my last run of the day all the way to my car. Even on Christmas day, the longest line I saw was 5 minutes. It is skiing the old fashion way and without the crowd.
Also there is Cacharas Valley. I never skiied it but you can drive 75 down I-25 to the Spanish Peaks.