Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by DG
No records kept here. Memories maybe but not records. I go home and drink a beer.
I have called very few pitches strikes that hit batters (less than a dozen), but I have kept many players at the plate who either leaned in or made no effort (100 or more). There was a post on this subject recently that I decided to drop out of, because there were too many people who felt that a batter hit in the box by a pitch that bounced should be awarded 1B, even if he made no effort.
I have never had a called third strike on one that hit the batter. This is from memory only. But I would do it if the situation warranted.
DG: I hope I don't offend, but likely your schedule would improve if you kept a journal of your games first ... and drank beer afterward. Some senior umpires, like Tee and me, have notes on every game we ever called. It's a great way to realize how much better we are now but also how much better we could be.
Misapply a rule? Write it down. Blow a mechanic? Write it down. Apply a strangely wonderful rule (with two outs and two strikes the batter gets hit by a pitch in the strike zone)?
Write it down!
I don't take offense. This whole posting thing is all about getting different views on things. But keeping a diary would not be something I could do. Even if I wrote it down, I would not go back and look at it months later, so it would be pointless for me to write it down. This may work for some people but I can not see a diary providing any benefit to me. I do have an excellent memory and if there is some ruling that comes up I am not sure about I look it up after the game and then I know, forever.