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Old Wed May 12, 2004, 12:08pm
scyguy scyguy is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 335
about three years ago had bases loaded, full count, 2 outs, bottom of the 7th, tie score. Pitch hits batter that intentionally sticks front elbow into pitch. However, pitch was not a strike (inside on RH) but close. Killed ball, awarded first to batter, not because he was HBP, but because it was ball four. Coach, of course, argued that he made no attempt to get out of the way. I agreed, but had to call pitch based on location. Funny thing was he came to me raving (home team) crowd was raving, had a rule book and read from it. Convienently (sp)stopped reading in mid sentence. I read the whole rule to him and explained my call. He and the crowd were still not happy. I had a fun walk to the truck!!
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