I have a bit of a complicated question that maybe some people here might be able to help me with.
Here is the root question:
What's the most pitches a batter can take without swinging the bat in a single at bat?
I believe the answer is 6. Either 2 balls and 3 strikes, or 3 balls and 2 strikes with the 6th pitch being a strike, a ball, a passed ball or a hit batter.
Now here is where the technicalities come in...
A batter is at bat (2-2 pitch count) with a runner on base and 2 outs. The baserunner is then caught stealing to end the inning. The batter that was up when the baserunner was caught stealing was pitched a third ball to make a 3-2 pitch count. That batter will then come up again next inning and bat since his at bat was not completed. But my question is, is the pitch count from the last inning in any way recorded or on record or is that pitch count considered null and void as if it never happened?