Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by FUBLUE
Number 2: NFHS FP (8 years ago): As favor to AD, I'm doing a game in my hometown (I'd been out of HS for 3 years). Hometown team, in one inning, went from 7-0 lead when inning started to being down 7-10 when inning ended. I gave his two barks over calls I (and other players) know I got right, but told him he needed to stop running onto the field while play was going on to scream at me about the play. About 1 inning later he did same thing, told me something rude, and I sent him to the parking lot. Noticed he was standing within sight of field, so asked AD to have him go to his car (local police car, may I add). AD refused, said it was good enough. Noticed girls running back and forth to him, for advice on situations. Didn't do anything about it, though. Since AD wouldn't help, didn't really know what to do.
That's the easiest one of them all. You stop the game until the AD does what is requested. If the AD continues to refuse, you forfeit the game and allow the powers that be sort out the problem. And I really don't care what type of rules might be in place by NFHS or any local conference/league. If they want you to umpire their games, they are going to have to honor your decisions. If not, why bother having you there?
I agreed with your decision then, as I agree now. Don't really know why I didn't forfeit the game...probably just a young and stupid mistake. Maybe it was the score...something like 28 to 10 for a final (hometown team lost).
Here's what I did do:
1. Informed AD that I would not work local games again.
2. Filled out appropriate reports to state.
3. AD tried begged me to give them to him...said he'd take care of it...coach was getting a reputation since he had been thrown out of 3 games in the first 12.
4. Returned all contracts with that partner on it...partner actually said it was okay for him to stand by fence and send in reports...partner also overturned a judgment call of mine without me even asking for help...just said, "yep, safe."
5. Apologized to my brother.
The worst thing is AD was a basketball official...when I asked him if he would eject a coach, and then allow him to stand at the gym doors, he didn't say anything...Exactly my point. The only thing AD said was, "It's a public park, he can stand their if he wishes to." NO HE CAN'T.