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Old Sat May 08, 2004, 10:16am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by MPC
I'm not seeing your point. Of course I said if F2 leaves during F1's motion, I'm balking him under the guidelines of FED 2-28-3. Thus, if F2 steps out prior to F1 beginning his motion, that is nothing. According to the rule that you provide, if F2 steps out once the motion starts, balk. I'm fairly positive that is what I posted.
That might be what you posted, but it's not correct. Once F1 starts his motion (aka "commits to the plate" aka "time of pitch"), F2 can move out of the box, as long as he doesn't obstruct B1.

If F2 is out of the box at the time F1 starts / commits / TOP, then it's an illegal pitch -- which is a balk with men on base.

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