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Old Sat May 08, 2004, 09:42am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by WinterWillie
I have mine. (You know him, 55 years old, still playing SP, thinks he hasn't lost a step from HS glory days although he weighs about 275 now)I avoid him all year but yesterday I got him. Bottom of the 7th, tie game, his team is at bat, lead off batter strokes a single. He is the third base coach and gives the steal signal by nodding his head to R1 on first. (I'm BU) I stay with the runner right into the bag- my angle is perfect 90 degrees from 10 feet away- F6 is covering 2nd, perfect throw- bag flys into the air. The only one who knows she is out (about 100 people in the stands) is me. When I punch her out, the 275 pound gorilla charges me screaming I made the call before she slid and brings up all the other close calls I made in the game that went against him. I head toward him, he stops and heads back to the coaches box with his tail between his legs.

Suggest you never head toward an argument. If the coach has anything to say to me, he can bring it to me. The situation is adversarial enough, without you going anywhere, but back to your position. BTW, if he truly "charged" you, why was he around for the next batter?

He still is bellowing from the coach's box as I head back to first- classic unsportsmanship. His next batter hits walk off home run (defense appeals missed base- can you imagine if I ever called that?) He (the coach) immediately corners my partner and starts chirping- pointing at me- as I head in to shake hands with the coaches, I wave him off in disgust and wait for my partner at first base. As we walk off the field together, my partner asks me why I didn't partake in the post game congratulatory rituals.
Shake hands with the coaches? Don't think so. I'll meet my partner or wait for him/her and exit the field in a quick and quiet manner.

[Edited by IRISHMAFIA on May 8th, 2004 at 10:46 AM]
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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