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Old Sat May 08, 2004, 09:18am
WinterWillie WinterWillie is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 263

I have mine. (You know him, 55 years old, still playing SP, thinks he hasn't lost a step from HS glory days although he weighs about 275 now)I avoid him all year but yesterday I got him. Bottom of the 7th, tie game, his team is at bat, lead off batter strokes a single. He is the third base coach and gives the steal signal by nodding his head to R1 on first. (I'm BU) I stay with the runner right into the bag- my angle is perfect 90 degrees from 10 feet away- F6 is covering 2nd, perfect throw- bag flys into the air. The only one who knows she is out (about 100 people in the stands) is me. When I punch her out, the 275 pound gorilla charges me screaming I made the call before she slid and brings up all the other close calls I made in the game that went against him. I head toward him, he stops and heads back to the coaches box with his tail between his legs. He still is bellowing from the coach's box as I head back to first- classic unsportsmanship. His next batter hits walk off home run (defense appeals missed base- can you imagine if I ever called that?) He (the coach) immediately corners my partner and starts chirping- pointing at me- as I head in to shake hands with the coaches, I wave him off in disgust and wait for my partner at first base. As we walk off the field together, my partner asks me why I didn't partake in the post game congratulatory rituals.
Nature bats last!
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