Again I chuckle.
I didn't like the patent leather converse and I don't like these even more. I haven't wore converse since the run n refs. I think technology has passed them by.
I don't understand why some people say they don't think it matters whether shoes are shined and then some (I say some not all) of those same people get the patent leather shoes. Also, I know that my shoes look better shined than those converse do in patent leather. If you saw a nicely dressed man or woman in a pair of patent leather shoes/pumps and another in a pair of better shoes that were shined which would you think looked better? I know it is not the same thing but I would go for the shined shoes. I looooooooooooooooove Nikes but I think their patent leather shoes look cheesy too. Just my opinion and since there is not rule governing this issue it is all opinion.