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Old Wed May 05, 2004, 05:35pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
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Originally posted by ref18
Originally posted by Tundra Ref
I agree with insatty. I've officiated for 3 years, and have gotten two varsity games. I don't have a problem subbing in on varsity crews, because it allows me to see different styles and what it takes to make a good crew. I feel that I am at the point, however, that I believe I can hold my own on a varsity crew full-time. The only way I can do this, though, is if someone in the area retires or if I start my own crew up. When someone does retire, they usually dig up a college guy or an old official that's been out for a few years. I've been trying to round up a crew of younger guys, but varsity schedules come out two years ahead of time, so I won't even get on the schedule until 2006. Even then, I don't know if anyone can handle the white hat. It's pretty frustrating...
Hearing this makes me realize how lucky i am to be in an association that assigns games to each person and not crews.

Are you going to watch the CIS all-star game? What about the OVFL all-star game? Both are in Waterloo this Sat and I'm doing both! For the CIS game, I'm only on the sticks though.

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