Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Age 13 - 15 REC ball. I don't see this at intentional at all.
No one said it was, nor does the rule require it to be.
I see young and/or inexperienced players focusing on getting home, not sure whether to slide or not; see's no play so stays upright. Probably didn't even "see" the pitcher.
I see a player which needs to learn how to play the game. If you continue to make excuses for them, they will never learn
For us, as adults, to look into the mind of a teenage girl and say "Oh, you did that deliberately," or "You had plenty of time to avoid the collision" and eject them from the game is wrong, IMO. I've spent too many years coaching this age group, in both REC ball and H.S. JV teams and I know how these girls do, and do not, react to game situations. Varsity ball, or 16U TB, definately make the call.
I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with what the umpire and opponents experience. If something happens, there must be repercussions. Doesn't have to be intentional. People have car accidents all the time and most of them are not intentional, but the individual at fault is still held responsible, supposedly regardless of their age.
However, note that NFHS does support the obstructed runner making some contact with the fielder. Casebook 8.4.3.SIT D: F2, without the ball and with no chance to catch the ball, is blocking home plate. R1 pushes F2, but not flagrantly, out of the base path and touches home plate. RULING: Obstuction."
And that is fine, for Fed. This was Dixie and an ASA ruling was invited. I simply noted what should happen in ASA. An umpire enforces rules, not opinions. Don't see any other way to handle this than in the manner prescribed.