How Much Time?
Start of the bottom of second inning, pitcher has taken her warm up's and the catcher has thrown the ball down. I call for the batter and the player in the on deck circle just stands there. Once again I call the batter to the box, the player on deck tells me she's not the next batter. I announce that the batter has twenty seconds to enter the batter's box. There's all kinds of commotion in the offensive dugout and the batter comes running out carrying her bat but without a helmet on saying she can't find her helmet or batting glove. I directed the battter back to the dugout to get a helmet and called for the pitch. The pitcher was so flustered she bounced the ball to the plate. I of course called it a strike.
Offensive coach and their fans are going nuts. When the offensive coach approaches I inform him the batter has zero balls and one strike and his batter can continue to take her time for about fifteen more seconds until she will have zero balls and two strikes. Batter entered the box in time for the next pitch totally prepared.
No problems with either team being ready after that.