Tue May 04, 2004, 08:20am
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
What I do....
Originally posted by LMan
My question is, is there a provision for the ump to warn/eject the spectator about this if it continues for a long while (ie, after 'the heat of the moment')? I know heckling is as much a part of the game as anything else, but that's more at the professional levels, so are the umps at this level required to put up with constant heckling of this type from one team's spectators to the other team?
Just looking for opinions, or where I am off-base. Thanks in advance!
I have never ejected a fan for the good of the game.
What I have done in situations that are similar, is: Locate the offensive fan;Make neutral (avoid "evil eye") eye contact with them (loud talk usually stops here);Ease near the fence, near the offender, (making myself available for an answer);Explain the concern of the questionable rule or the behavior, to the fans and/or the heckler.
In one instance, after making eye contact with a heckler, the heckler said, "Eyeball me!!!???!", but then he stopped.