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Old Tue Feb 20, 2001, 08:36am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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SITUATION 14: With runners on first and second and one out, the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop. The second baseman calls "I got it" and acts as if it is a pop-up. The runners stay at their respective bases and a double play is made, second to first. RULING: This is verbal obstruction. Runners will be awarded third and second. There are two outs since the out on the batter-runner will stand. (2-22-1; 8-3-2)

Patrick FED is turning baseball into a "sissy sport". In Pop Warner Football do we tell the littile rugrats not to tackle? Of Coarse not. Sooner or later we have to let the kids play REAL BASEBALL . Pretty soon the FED will issue a ruling that says no-one can talk. I agree it's enough already.

Part of any game is trying to psyche the other team out. On a ground ball to F6, the runners SHOULD KNOW where the ball is so it wouldn't matter if F4 was standing on his head or not. If these runners are foolish enough to go for the fake - IMO TOO Bad.

Pete Booth

Peter M. Booth
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