Thread: Confused again
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Old Sat May 01, 2004, 04:46pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by hukonrt
"The pitcher is not required to pitch until the first batter faced completes their turn at bat or the side has been retired."
Glen has explained it, but this is my favorite all-time sentence in the ASA Rule Book.

Obviously, it does not mean what it actually says - that the pitcher can wait to pitch until after the side has been retired before throwing her first pitch!

What they meant to say was, "The pitcher may be replaced before the first batter faced completes their turn at bat or the side has been retired."

Welcome from a fellow Minnesotan - although MN is my adopted state, having lived previously in Michigan, South Carolina, Iowa, and Texas. I'm not quite so far up in the tundra as you - I'm the the Twin Cities metro area.
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