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Old Fri Apr 30, 2004, 06:51am
FVB58 FVB58 is offline
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Posts: 31
Originally posted by mcrowder
I fail to see why anyone would consider this illegal, unless there is NO play and the throw is to an unoccupied base.

Assuming the runner made a feint toward third,...
A) The pitcher must step toward a base - but regardless of where he lands, he's either stepping toward second base or third base (even if he lands directly in between) - either of which are legal.
B) HE DOESN'T HAVE TO THROW THE BALL ... so why would you penalize for throwing it, even if it doesn't to all the way to a base or directly to a base.
This question comes up every year and the reason is the play just looks bad. Nine out of ten times it results in some type of out and the offensive coach screams "balk." Some coaches know the rule and are just trying to buy a call. Others just don't know the rule. We had a play the other day....R1 takes off for 2B, pitcher wheels and throws to SS covering 2B, good tag, out. Offensive coach screams "that's a balk, the pitcher can't throw to an unoccupied base." This guy has been around for awhile. "I've been teaching my kids for fifteen years that that is a balk and you're telling me I have been wrong for fifteen years?" Uh-huh.
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