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Old Mon Feb 19, 2001, 03:18pm
Bfair Bfair is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Patrick Szalapski
From the NFHS web site:

SITUATION 14: With runners on first and second and one out, the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop. The second baseman calls "I got it" and acts as if it is a pop-up. The runners stay at their respective bases and a double play is made, second to first. RULING: This is verbal obstruction. Runners will be awarded third and second. There are two outs since the out on the batter-runner will stand.
(2-22-1; 8-3-2)

Patrick, I share in your frustration of this example to show the interpretation. It eliminates common sense on behalf of the runners and even the pupose for offensive coaches. It does not mean, however, that we should discount the way the Fed wants this enforced.

To Chris S. who indicated it was "unsportsmanlike" to "deke" in Fed ball. I would disagree. A "deke" causing an unnecessary slide would likely be considered unsportsmanlike (and likely a fake tag). However, take this similar situation to that provided in P-sz's post (this occured in one of my games last year):
R1 stealing on play where BR pops up a little behind first base. F4, at crack of bat, goes down low into his fielding position as if to prepare for grounder coming his way. R1 continues quickly toward second despite his coaches yelling for him to return.

Is this obstruction? Not. This did not include the "verbal" aspects reflected in the Fed's situation. Did F4 "deke" the runner? Absolutely---but not into sliding and not with a fake tag (which would have been obstruction). Is there any infraction here. None whatsoever.

When the offensive coach complained I explained "no fake tag, no obstruction, no rule violation, just smart defensive baseball---sorry we disagree, we now need to progress with the game."

Agree or disagree----just my opinion,

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