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Old Mon Feb 19, 2001, 03:13pm
Dennis Flannery Dennis Flannery is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 122

There are somethings that you need to do as a ref. They are called game awareness. You need to know that the clock is always starting when it needs to, the shot clock is doing the same. That the clocks are stopping when they need to, and the shot clock is not reset when it shouldn't be. You should also have a count of team fouls in your head, that way you are shooting the bonus when you should be, and not waiting for that dreaded mistake of inbounding the ball, and then the horn going off, and telling you that is 7. These are all things that I do in my games. All of this was told to me at various camps of things that you need to do, by D1 refs and assigionrs.
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