Wed Apr 28, 2004, 01:38pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by DaveASA/FED
Had my first example where the new ASA obstruction would have been called but under FED it was a good play. R1 on third passed ball goes slightly toward first base side, pitcher covers the plate right foot beside plate and left knee on ground on third base side. Ball coming, R1 coming, R1 slides into pitcher as ball hits mitt. Under new ASA rules since she blocked the base without control, I would have OBS and R1 awarded home. But in Fed IMO F1 was about to recieve the ball and had the right to be there, R1 slid into F1's foot never touching the base, so F1 picked up the ball and tagged R1 out. 3rd base coach didn't like it as she was sure her runner had touched the plate, but the foot print 3" from the plate convinced me I was right, not her but it did it for me!!
That's gotta be a tough call, maybe even a "wreck". If the ball didn't hit the glove prior to or at the exact same moment the runner contacted the pitcher, it was obstruction unless NFHS defines "about to receive" differently than ASA.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.