In the few years of calling high school ball, I get my first malicious contact and illegal sub within 2 days of one another.
The malicious contact was the BR putting a shoulder into the first basemen. 1B was bending over to try and field a low throw and got his backside over the bag. Instead of just running thru the bag, BR decides to drop a shoulder and put it to him like a linebacker.
The illegal sub was from the home team of a game. Coach hands me a line up and I confirm straight 9. He said yes. Bottom of the first, up walks number 4 in the 9 hole where the pitcher, number 22, is supposed to hit. He strikes out and I have an unannounced sub. Number 22 reenters and pitches the 2nd. Bottom of second, up walks number 4 again. Visiting team coach catches it. Home coach tried to say it was batting out of order. That, of course, was quickly corrected. Made no difference, home team won 25-2.
Thankfully I love talking rules so I was prepared to handle these, without mixing up codes. I hope I am that way down the road when another unusual situation comes up.
[Edited by cowbyfan1 on Apr 28th, 2004 at 06:11 AM]
Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.