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Old Sun Apr 25, 2004, 05:48pm
deernut_00 deernut_00 is offline
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Glove of the fielder did not touch the ground. It came from above the head to shoulder height in one step when the player was regaining her balance, when the ball fell to the ground (appeared she was reaching for it but didn't touch it with her throwing hand). She recovered the ball from the ground and threw it toward first base.

The runner stayed on first until the ball hit the ground, and then was told by the coach to run to second.

Is appearance of a catch relative to the time the ball is in the glove how that 'call' is made? I would think that a player who doesn't contact the ground by falling, but drops the ball to the ground when attempting to get it in her throwing hand, would be called for 'no possession', or a dropped ball. I see it as a tough one to call. But the need to "think and call" fast is important, with the runner on the base.

As well, the first base coach has to hear the call from the ump in the second base area over the crowd.
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