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Old Thu Apr 22, 2004, 10:42pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by Ed Maeder
I agree that gray ball bag looks just fine with gray slacks,but the book says "The male and female umpire shall wear: 4. The approved navy blue ball bag with ASA letters to be worn with either navy or heather colored gray slacks." I wear the gray whenever I wear gray pants but have had people question me about it. Also no logo on it. I'm not trying to be different just looking for some consistency. I have learned when in Rome do as the Romans do. It makes things a lot easier. My bag is full of everything.

[Edited by Ed Maeder on Apr 22nd, 2004 at 06:14 PM]
No problem Ed, but if you attended the UIC Clinic in Feb 2003, you would have heard that not only is the grey ball bag permissible with the grey slacks, but also when wearing the Navy blue shirt, the t-shirt should also be navy blue.

You would have also heard that prior to conducting a NT, the local association is contacted by the UIC to find out which uniform is worn locally. They try to accommodate local umpires if the uniform varies from the book version. There have been NT/NCs with navy over grey with a RED t-shirt, powder over grey, powder over navy, etc. as the official uniform.

The book sets a certain uniform, one which I happen to use in my area. However, ASA has allowed variations to exist. If questioned, Merle will even state that the local associations are free to set their own standards of uniform.

Personally, I'd prefer that they go back to the one, and only, uniform and stop playing games with it. However, I am just a servant of the association.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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