Here's in CT, one town's Men's SP ASA Rec league that I will be working wants to allow all bats to be used, and to ignore the ASA banned bat list for their league games. I've told them that they will need to contact the UIC for the league and straighten this out before the season starts in May. I don't know why they are so emphatic to use the illegal bats, mnaybe because the teams have already spent so much $$ on them?
The possible outcomes that I foresee are:
1.) They are told that if they are using ASA umpires, then they must not use bats that ASA considers illegal.
2.) They use their illegal bats and submit some type of written waiver to the UIC (who accepts it?), absolving the ASA umps who work their games of liability in any situations that may arise from use of the illegal bats.
3.) They get their own non-ASA umps to work their games.
Does anyone have any thoughts, opinions, or similar experiences, they can share?