Thu Apr 22, 2004, 08:43am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
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Originally posted by BigUmpJohn
Was watching this one in disbelief. ASA rec league. No one on, outs don't matter. Batter hits a high popup down the third base line. This ball had more backspin than I could ever hit on the course with my pitching wedge. Ball lands about 10 feet beyond the bag in foul territory, hits the dirt, and spins all the way back and actually hits the bag. If that wasn't bad enough, the PU signals a fair ball. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the ball lands BEYOND the bag, isn't it a foul ball? (Rule 1- Definitions) I've never seen this before and will probably never see this again.
Rule 1 - FAIR BALL - E. Touches first, second or third base.
Rule 1 - FOUL BALL - E. First hits the ground or is first touched over foul territory beyond first or third base.