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Old Wed Apr 21, 2004, 12:20pm
Rickref Rickref is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 55
Re: Re: Re: Re: Held ball on AP throw in

Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Rickref
Yes, the throw did end in this case. When it was touched by B1 who was inbounds the throw in was completed. Arrow changes and B now gets it.
Might want to re-think that, Rick:

7.6.3 SITUATION F: Thrower A1 inadvertently holds the ball through the end-line plane during a throw-in. B1 is able to get his/her hands on the ball and A1 cannot pull it back. RULING: There is no player or team control during a throw in, therefore a held ball is called, resulting in an alternating-possession throw-in. If the original throw-in is an alternating-possession throw-in, Team A still has the arrow following the held ball.
Your Correct!! My bad, was thinking in terms of a OOB throw in, not AP. I stand corrected.
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