Thread: charging call
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Old Wed Apr 21, 2004, 09:32am
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Originally posted by readingofficial
As far as it being in someone area, the player started from my area , i was the trail, and drove to the basket, so he ended up in the leads area. So I did let him make the call, but the problem was that he said that the act of shooting determined if it was a charge or block. And that is what i did not agree with.

That's your partner's interpretation - not a conflicting call.

Talk to him after the game about it, but I wouldn't make a big deal about it during the game. Just be happy with your knowledge that your interpretation is correct and "get in, get out, get done."
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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