Here in ILL they have change the ratings system. It used to be 1 thru 5 where 1 was excellent and 5 was ugly. The ratings changed to 1 = State Finals qualified, 2=Sectional qualified, 3=Regional qualified, 4=Varsity qualified, and 5=Lower Level. A 5 still requires a written explanation.
Needless to say overall ratings have dropped between 1/2 point to a full point for most officials. Not that this is a bad thing, but there seems to be a trend where most coaches that win are giving 2's and most coaches that lose are giving 4's.
I am still not convinced that coaches rating officials is a good idea. Most coaches don't understand our mechanics, nor do they want to form an opinion on the job we do until the outcome of the game. This is a major flaw. Isn't there a better way?