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Old Wed Apr 21, 2004, 07:29am
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Originally posted by Art N
Right On Rocky! That's a good example of WHY we don't have the arrow changed when the ball is handed to the thrower. Here's another....I was doing the books for my sons HS team a few years ago and Team A had a violation on the initial second half AP throw in (after they were handed the ball!). The home team's , team A, clock operator left the arrow with A! We had no more jump balls the entire half.
With 5 seconds left and losing by one point there was an AP situation. Team A was "awarded" the ball under their basket. They called a timeout to set up ther final play.(FYI...I could not see the AP arrow from my seat, since it was facing the floor). I called over the two officials and confirmed that we had no other jump balls and that A violated on their initial throw in at the half. They corrected it and of course Team A was upset. It sealed the win for my sons team. DO I GET AN ASSIST ON THAT ONE? lol
Uhm, Art. Your situation would not change under my proposal. The arrow would have switched to B when A got the ball, and your son's team would have still won. In fact, my way would simplify the rule and eliminate the need for exceptions like, "unless the throw-in team violates."

Now, I really fail to see how that really means much here anyway. A rule isn't more or less valid based on whose team it helps win?
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