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Old Wed Apr 21, 2004, 02:00am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by IBHookin43
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by IBHookin43
... I just got a pretty good DVD by a guy that trains NBA players ...
If it's for training NBA players, then it probably uses NBA rules, which for travelling are much different from any other ruleset.
The NBA rules on traveling (see below) don't appear that they? It still appears that first count occurs when he picks up the ball from the dribble with either foot touching the floor. And (g) still indicates that the ball must be passed or shot after picking up the pivot foot before returning it to the floor.

Where is this extra step I keep hearing about???

I don't pretend to know or understand the NBA rules, or how they are called. I do know that the interpretation makes the end result a lot different from high school. HS ball is called fairly tightly with regard to travelling. If you're doing high school rules, and using an NBA training tape, you'll be getting into a heap of trouble.
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