let me ask you guys something. Here in MO, our rating system is determined by coaches. They rate us on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being great and 5 being horrible. These ratings are listed in publications issued to ADs. Also, one of the citeria used to determine who umpires the state tournament is your rating. My rating has always been below 2. But if a coach decides to give you a 4 or 5, he has that power. The coach for team A is probably not going to give me a one on yesterday's game. Would it serve a purpose to email the state and ask them to evaluate my judgements, then send coach A there response? If coach A knows that my judgements were by the book, would it pursuade him to put aside his anger and give me the appropreate rating? Or should I let sleeping dogs lye and hope he gives me a just evaluation? Thoughts??