Originally posted by Rickref
Your point is well taken. What's your take on 4-24-8a, if it describes what is illegal but if its not in excess of the rest of the body as it rotates is it then deemed legal?
See, that's the big question. Here's how I wish I would call it:
1) if there's no contact, judge whether the swinging of the elbow is in excess of the rotation of the body, then either violation or nothing. Unless I judge that there was an intent to elbow someone in particular, which just happened to miss, then I've got a T for unsportsmanlike.
2) if there's contact, that displaces or merits a call because of the amount of contact, then it's a foul of the personal kind. If it appears that there was an intent to harm, and it connects, it's flagrant.
Man it looks so simple when it's in the pixels. Not nearly this easy on the floor.