I hear you, but remember that the FLEX can be, and is a legal sub for the DP. (I think that the NFHS did not think this one through far enough.)
In a situation where the sub for the FLEX mistakenly comes to bat, and the umpire is ready to invoke the new ILLEGAL sub penalty, a sharp coach will simply say "Sorry Blue, my mistake. Forgot to tell you that FLEX is batting for the DP - I am now playing with nine."
"And, yes, she got a little excited and come to bat one position too soon. So we'll put her back in the on-deck circle and send the proper batter up."
You don't know if he is trying to salvage a bad situation, or if he honestly did forget to announce the sub.
Seems to me if you are inclined to want to keep the kids in the game that you will accept the coach's explanation and disregard the Illegal sub penalty. If you feel that the rules will let you do that.
[Edited by WestMichBlue on Apr 19th, 2004 at 01:17 PM]