Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by mick
If we can keep them in the game, then let's keep them in the game. mick
I agree with the sentiment, but it seems to me NFHS has taken the choice out of our hands. To wit NFHS Rule 3-4 ART. 2 PENALTY...
The penalty for illegal substitution takes precedence over the batting-out-of-order penalty.
NFHS backs up your interpretation (
below) and kicks the heck outa mine.
You are correct.
I am wrong.
Great discussion.
It is clear to me the FLEX may not bat out of turn (
Period). If FLEX takes position, out of turn, FLEX is declared out Sitch 12,13; appealed out sitch 14.
SITUATION 12: FLEX-Smith enters the game to bat for F1, listed ninth and has a 1-1 count at discovery. RULING: Illegal substitution. Since the FLEX-Smith is at bat, she is declared out and restricted to the dugout/bench. She must be replaced by a legal substitute. The FLEX-Smith can only bat in the DP position. (3-4-2a; 3-3-6g)
SITUATION 13: DP-Jones bats fourth in the lineup. In the third inning, DP-Jones plays defense for F5, who bats sixth in the order. In the fifth inning, FLEX-Smith, who is listed 10th on the lineup card, bats in the sixth spot for F5. RULING: Illegal substitution. The FLEX can only bat in the DPs batting position. The FLEX-Smith is called out if still at bat or on base, is restricted to the dugout/bench and replaced with a legal substitute. F5 is considered to have lost her turn at bat and the next proper batter shall bat. (2-57-2c; 3-4-2a; 3-3-6g)
SITUATION 14: Team A is utilizing the DP/FLEX Rule with the DP batting in the fourth spot in the batting order. In the bottom of the fourth inning, Smith, the FLEX player, bats in the 10th spot of the order and reaches first base safely. Before the pitch to the next batter, Team B calls time and informs the plate umpire. RULING: This is considered an illegal substitute. Smith is declared out and restricted to the dugout/bench. The proper batter (lead-off batter) is considered to have lost her turn at bat and the batter in the second position is the next batter. (2-57-2c; 3-3-6g; 3-4-2a)