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Old Mon Apr 19, 2004, 08:52am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Re: Definition difference.

Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by Dakota
BTW, if the umpire is doing his job, the only kind of illegal sub you should EVER have is an unannounced one!
An unreported substitute is not an illegal substitute.
NFHS 2-57- 2,3.
What I meant, Mick, was that if the coach announces to the PU he is re-entering S1 for B4 (my example above), the PU should say, "Coach, you can't do that." So, the only way S1 enters for B4 is unannounced.

However, since you cited the definitions, they reinforce what I said above,
ART. 2 ... Illegal Substitute. An illegal substitute is:
a. a player who enters or re-enters the game without eligibility to do so per NFHS playing rules (illegal re-entry).
b. a player who re-enters the game in the wrong position in the batting order.
c. (F.P.) the FLEX who enters the game as a batter or runner in a different position in the batting order than the DP.

d. a player who violates the courtesy-runner rule.
All c. does to the definition is treat the FLEX the same as a player in b. IOW, they are negating the technicality that the FLEX is already in the game and hence is not "re-entering" (as required for b. to apply).
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