"WMB - From you question it is apparent that the DP is not batting in the #9 position, you never said where she really was batting."
And I repeat: "I don't think Woodchuck read it all the way through, Mick"
From the post that started this thread: "DP is B1, FLEX is F1."
And from NFHS 3.2 "Should there be no announcement of substitutions, a substitute has entered the game when the ball is alive and (d) a batter takes her place in the batters box."
NFHS 2.57.2: An unreported substitute is a player who has a legal right to enter the game but has not reported to the umpire prior to her participation.
NOW - does anybody understand the question?
We've had Unreported Sub for years. We should know the difference between an ILLEGAL sub and a LEGAL sub that has not reported.
But this year - 2004 - we have a new definition of an ILLEGAL sub - the FLEX player who enters the game as a batter in a different position in the batting order than the DP.
Unless the DP has already batted in the inning, what is to stop the coach from saying the FLEX is an unannounced sub for the DP - and that the FLEX made a mistake and came to bat in the wrong position? Penalty for ILLEGAL sub is OUT and Restriction to bench. No penalty for BOO, just replace with correct batter.
I am repeating my question: Are you going to immediately effect the penalty for ILLEGAL sub? Or accept the Unnounced Sub response and simply change batters?