"I also disagree with "coach cannot say that SUB1 will bat for the DP because that would be a projected substitute"; regardless of whether it is a DP/FLEX or any other position"
But it is not any other position, Cecil. The FLEX or DP is really a half position; a defensive or offensive position. A sub for the FLEX must be announced in the defensive half of the inning; subbing for the DP occurs during the offensive half.
Whens the coach subs for either position, you don't know anything other than the fact that you have a defensive or offensive (ONLY) change. In the other half of the inning the coach MAY choose to announce the other half of the change. ie., Sub1 in for FLEX in defensive half inning; now coach announces that FLEX will bat, and thus she is now playing with 9.
Or Sub1 in for DP in offensive half inning, then in defensive half inning coach announces that DP will play defense in place of the FLEX, thus she is now playing with nine.
Actually not really that different from normal. Defensive coach tells you she is going to bat #32 for the catcher (#7) when they come up to bat. But #7 is still catching. So you say "Not now, Coach. Give me your sub when you come to bat."