It is not BOO. Anytime that the FLEX is on offense for anyone other than the DP you have an illegal substitute.
Rule 3-3-6g Placing the FLEX into one of the first nine positions for someone other than the original DP is considered an illegal substitution. The illegal substitute shall be removed from the gaame and restricted to the doug/bench. See Rule 2-57-2 for additional penalities.
Rule 2-57-2...Illegal Substitue. Anillegal substitute is:
c. (FP) the FLEX who enters the game as a batter or runner in a different position in the batting order than the DP.
Now we go to Rule 3-4 for penalities for illegal subs.
Rule 3-4-1... Illegal offensive or defensive players may be discovered by the umpire or either team anytime after the ball becomes live and an illegal substitute has taken a position as:
a. a runner she has replaced or as a batter in the batter's box;
PENALITY: (a) and (c) Restriction to dugout/bench and called out;.....
Rule 3-4-2...Illegal offensive players may be discovered:
a. when in the batter's box, the ball is live and/or before the batter-runner reaches first base, or is put out and before a pitch is deliverd to the next batter of either team.
PENALITY: Teh illegal substitute is restricted to the bench/dougout and called out. The proper batter is considered to have lost her turn at bat. The next proper batter shall bat.
b. when the illegal batter-runner(s) score, advance or cause a play to be made....and the infraction is dected before the next pitch by either team;
PENALITY: Play is nullified. OUts made on play stand. Runners not put out return to base(s) occupied at the time of the pitch. The illegal substitute is called out and shall be restricted to the dugout/bench for the duration of the game. The penality for illegal substitution takes precedence over the batting out-of-order penality.
CASE BOOK 3.3.6 SITUATION F: The FLEX-Smith enters the game to bat fir F1, listed ninth and has a 1-1 count at discovery. RULING: Illegal substitution. Since the FLEX-Smith is at bat, she is declared out and disqualified. She must be replaced by a legal substitute. The FLEX-Smith can only bat in the DP position. (3-4-1a)