Originally posted by DG
There should be no "finding out about this after a pitch" since you are recording subs and courtesy runners and soon as he tries to go in, you say "no can do". Technically, I would consider him in the game, when he takes the runner's place, but practically, as I am writing down the courtesy runner's number I note the error and point it out to coach immediately, so no ejection.
I did write it down and that is how I caught the mistake, for X had entered the game and then been removed. But what if I had missed that X had played, my eyes skipped over it or something, it's possible. So after a pitch, the manager of the opposing team tells me X has played. So I check my card and it shows the same. Is that an illegal sub? If you think about it no subsutition was made, so how can there be an illegal sub? I'm sure there is a case book play on this, but I am just too lazy to get up out of my seat to go get the book.