Mon Apr 12, 2004, 11:18pm
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Originally posted by rockyroad
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by TigerBball
This is what I think is being said. If my guy sets the screen, contact is made, and then rolls keeping contact without displacing the defender who has given up on the play, it is OK.
Say what? 
It's not about displacement. If the screener continues to move into the defender's path, BLOCKING him, it's a foul.
Yeah but...if the defender has "given up on the play", do they really have a path to be blocked from??? I think (if I am reading what TigerBball means) the coach has it correct - I set the screen, roll to the basket and keep contact with the defender with my butt, but the defender knows he's beaten and isn't trying to get around, we've got nothing...
Dan -- Does all this sound familiar!?