My first question to umpire's that have problems during their games is, what did you do about it?
You don't have to be a tyrant to control your game. I don't eject people, I ask them to leave. I don't tolerate cat calls about balls and stikes and I don't give a list of warnings at the begining of the game. Neither do I yell, scream or speak in a demeaning way. I will also say thank you when people comply with my reasonable requests.
I will address all personnel on the field, regardless of their title if they respectfully address me. And when they don't I will stay calm and take matters into my own hand , if that is the option I must use.
I also go out of my way to know the rules, my mechanics, my authority and I will enforce safety rules no matter how ridiculus.
These things have worked well for me and I am OFTEN called for those possible problematic games, that we get through nicely.
Hope some of these points can help you in future games.