"Sounds more like a Kangaroo leap, than a Crow hop"
Truthfully, I do not think there is a leap. He picks up his pivot foot and it moves backward behind the plate. Then as he starts forward the pivot sets down with the heel on the front edge of the plate. When he strides forward, his pivot foot toe is down and it appears to be a legal drag.
At the end of the drag the heel sets down. Now his pivot foot is on the ground; the stride foot is in the air, and his hands separate and he goes into the windmill. Looks just like any regular pitcher starting out except that he is 3' in front of the plate.
So we have Crow Hop, then legal drag, then violation of NFHS 6.2.c (ASA 6.3.H) "Pushing off with the pivot foot from a place other than the pitcher's plate is illegal."
(could you call two IP's and advance a runner from 2B to home?