Thread: Ejection
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Old Sat Apr 10, 2004, 10:46pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally posted by David B

It has a lot to do with umpiring. When the umpire is able to respond to the coach in a calm manner instead of the vigarious manner that is usually being used by the coach, then it has a calming effect on the coach.
We are not talking about yelling at coaches or not yelling at coaches. We are talking about allowing a coach who is not the head coach (and the rules make this clear as well) to complain about calls we make. It is not their job to do that, it is not about yelling back at them or telling them to shut up. If I go to court and yell at the judge, I should not expect him to keep me out of jail or possibly or just turn the other cheek. Well in the game, we are the judges and we should expect a certain decorum from everyone involved.

Originally posted by David B
I let the coach tell me his problem, and then calmly I say okay coach here's the rule, "...." now, lets play ball.

Surely we're not their servant, but by working with them it makes a heck of a lot better game.
This again is not about talking to them about calls. If I have discussed the call, I am not discussing it again. Sorry, but I am not. Communication is key to any officiating, but it is not our obligation to discuss every situation. As I said, if that is the case, do you discuss every pitch you call? And if you do not, why do you not discuss every call? For one it is against the rules and would slow up the game. Just like it is not the place of the coach that is not the head guy to be discussing calls that you made. Because all calls are not rule calls. If you make an out call, it is not about the rule, it is about your judgment and what you saw. I am sorry, I am not having a discussion with an Assistant about that call. Because if I do it once, I am going to be doing it all day.

Originally posted by David B
You can stir the pot if you wish, but its not going to win you any points with the coaches or the players.

David, have you been reading these posts? Stir what pot?

What are you talking about?

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