What do you think the opposing coach would say? If I don't think they would care, then I might not care. But officially....
You report her to me, I think she's in the game.
Duke NFHS - 3-3-3
...when ball is declared live by the umpire.
You left off the beginning of this sentence, and the ending. (Although you mention some of it in passing)...
NFHS 3-3-3
Should there be no announcement of substitutions, a substitute has entered the game when the ball is live and:
a. a runner takes the place of a runner she has replaced.
I can't imagine a runner coming onto the field to replace someone without me or my partner noticing and then questioning what is happening. But I don't see this rule as applicable to this situation - the substitute was reported, coach made a second substitution before the ball came live.
NFHS 3-3-4 continues...
A substitute shall not enter the contest unreported (3-6-12 Pen)
I'm not sure how these rulebook changes occur but my book doesn't have a 3-6-12 penalty. So I checked last years NFHS book. Article 4 as quoted above (3-3-4) isn't even in there let alone a germane penalty??? Go figure!
So, I feel she is in as soon as the coach reports her. The line-ups work that way at the beginning of the game. When given to the umpire they become official.
NFHS 4-1-1 Before game time...deliver their respective line-up cards ... to the UIC. ... The substitution regulations are now in effect.
IMHO she's in coach.