Thread: Ejection
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Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 10:41pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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For SMEngmann ONLY!!!

If you do not learn anything from this discussion, you should realize that only ONE INDIVIDUAL agrees with you on this. But it is obvious that the typical customs of myself and most umpires that are responding, think you got what you deserved. I can tell you that all of us do not live in the same area, nor the same state and all of us are not umpiring on the same level. Take this for what it is worth, but it is clear that most umpires (and you can ask others not on this board). I have been officiating and umpiring for about 8-9 years. I work varsity in all my sports and I do some college basketball and baseball. I am just one person, but what I am telling you is very typical of other umpires and officials I deal with. I am not telling you this to pump myself up, I just in my travels have come in contact with many that feel the same way I do, and much of what I learned to do was thru reading many books on umpiring and officiating and attending camps. I think I am a pretty damn good umpire and do my best to avoid conflict on the field or court. But there are just things that are not tolerated and your actions might not get you ejected all the time (no one action will) but it will get the attention of the umpire at the game. Especially if you run into an experienced umpire. I guess your hope is, if you feel you did nothing wrong, then you better hope you run into DG. Because it is obvious if your run into anyone else on this board that reponded to this post, you would have gotten the same result. And it would not have been an issue about whether we call you by your first name or not. Because I do not believe in calling coaches by their first name when I am on the field. But I would take issue with your other comments and actions. If you are the HC, I would give you more rope, but I would not tolerate many of your actions then either. I just would give you an opportunity to correct yourself by what I say to you and my demeanor. It is up to you to realize when to cut it short. If you do not want to get ejected, it is your responsibly to understand that at the very least.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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